"""Define several functions for inverted-index."""
from swiftea_bot.data import DIR_STATS
[docs]def count_files_index(index):
"""Return number of file to download are uplaod
Parse languages and letters from the given index.
:return: int
nb_files = int()
for language in index:
for first_letter in index[language]:
nb_files += len(index[language][first_letter])
return nb_files
[docs]def stats_dl_index(begining, end):
"""Write the time to download inverted-index.
:param begining: time download inverted-index
:type begining: int
:param end: time after download inverted-index
:type end: int
with open(DIR_STATS + 'stat_dl_index', 'a') as myfile:
myfile.write(str(end - begining) + '\n')
[docs]def stats_ul_index(begining, end):
"""Write the time to upload inverted-index.
:param begining: time before send inverted-index
:type begining: int
:param end: time after send inverted-index
:type end: int
with open(DIR_STATS + 'stat_up_index', 'a') as myfile:
myfile.write(str(end - begining) + '\n')